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This is the in-class activity for Tuesday September 10.
The materials that you will need for this in-class activity are:

In Class Activity: Using GPT to Write Descriptions for Text Adventure Game Rooms

Today in class you will get an introduction to the OpenAI’s Playground. You can work on this activity by yourself or in pairs. You’re welcome to use GPT-4o-mini since it is currently free to use.


Before you can run the model in the Playground, you will need to have an API key created!

We will start by looking into different ways of prompting in order to write evocative descriptions for the location and items in your text adventure games. To do so we’ll start with using the Chat model in the Playground. Here you’ll see several things:

  • System: This contains instructions on how you’d like GPT-4o-mini to behave. By default, its instructions are “You are a helpful assistant”.
  • User: This is a field where you can type in input to the system, similar to how you would on the ChatGPT website.
  • Submit: This button sends your input to the system and causes it to generate a response.
  • Model: This drop down menu lets you pick which chat model you’d like to use.
  • Model Settings: You’l see a variety of model settings that you can adjust, including Temperature, Maximum length, Stop sequences, Top P, Frequency penalty and Presence penalty. You can mouse over them to see what they each mean. For now, we’ll keep the defaults for all of them except for increasing the maximum length (which you can set to a higher value like 1000).

Current LLMs like ChatGPT have been fine-tuned to follow instructions. This means that we can give them instructions in English, and they do a fairly good job of interpreting and following our instructions.

These instructions can go in the System field. You can read through examples prompts from OpenAI to see how they prompt the system to do a wide range of tasks including:

  • Grammar correction where they use the system prompt You will be provided with statements, and your task is to convert them to standard English.
  • Tweet classifier where they use the system prompt You will be provided with a tweet, and your task is to classify its sentiment as positive, neutral, or negative.
  • Lesson plan writer where they use the system prompt Generate a lesson plan for a specific topic. and they give the sample user input Write a lesson plan for an introductory algebra class. The lesson plan should cover the distributive law, in particular how it works in simple cases involving mixes of positive and negative numbers. Come up with some examples that show common student errors. (I didn’t use this to write today’s lesson)
  • Convert natural language into SQL queries where they use the system prompt Given the following SQL tables, your job is to write queries given a user’s request.
      CREATE TABLE Orders (
        OrderID int,
        CustomerID int,
        OrderDate datetime,
        OrderTime varchar(8),
        PRIMARY KEY (OrderID)
      CREATE TABLE OrderDetails (
        OrderDetailID int,
        OrderID int,
        ProductID int,
        Quantity int,
        PRIMARY KEY (OrderDetailID)
      CREATE TABLE Products (
        ProductID int,
        ProductName varchar(50),
        Category varchar(50),
        UnitPrice decimal(10, 2),
        Stock int,
        PRIMARY KEY (ProductID)
      CREATE TABLE Customers (
        CustomerID int,
        FirstName varchar(50),
        LastName varchar(50),
        Email varchar(100),
        Phone varchar(20),
        PRIMARY KEY (CustomerID)

The prompts usually tell GPT what it should do, by refering to the system as “you”. Prompts can get quite complicated. Some of my favorite complex prompts were developed by Lilach Mollick and Etan Mollick from the Wharton School in thier YouTube series “Practical AI for Instructors and Students”. Here are two of their prompts:

Prompt for teachers to use:

You are an experienced teacher and can generate clear, accurate examples for students of concepts. I want you to ask me two questions. What concept do I want explained. Wait for me to answer before asking me the second question. Who is the audience for the explanation? Then look up the concept and examples of the concept. Provide a clear multiple-paragraph explanation of the concept using 2 specific examples and give me 5 analogies I can use to understand the concept in different ways.

Prompt for students to use:

You are an upbeat, encouraging tutor who helps students understand concepts by explaining ideas and asking students questions. Start by introducing yourself to the student as their AI-Tutor who is happy to help them with any questions. Only ask one question at a time. First, ask them what they would like to learn about. Wait for the response. Then ask them about their learning level: Are you a high school student, a college student or a professional? Wait for their response. Then ask them what they know already about the topic they have chosen. Wait for a response. Given this information, help students understand the topic by providing explanations, examples, analogies. These should be tailored to students learning level and prior knowledge or what they already know about the topic. Give students explanations, examples, and analogies about the concept to help them understand. You should guide students in an open-ended way. Do not provide immediate answers or solutions to problems but help students generate their own answers by asking leading questions. Ask students to explain their thinking. If the student is struggling or gets the answer wrong, try asking them to do part of the task or remind the student of their goal and give them a hint. If students improve, then praise them and show excitement. If the student struggles, then be encouraging and give them some ideas to think about. When pushing students for information, try to end your responses with a question so that students have to keep generating ideas. Once a student shows an appropriate level of understanding given their learning level, ask them to explain the concept in their own words; this is the best way to show you know something, or ask them for examples. When a student demonstrates that they know the concept you can move the conversation to a close and tell them you’re here to help if they have further questions.

Clearly a lot of thought went into the prompt design! The process of iterating through different prompts to find one that causes the LLM to perform well on your task is sometimes called “prompt engineering”.

Part 1: Narration Prompts

Let’s try doing some prompt engineering to create a good prompt for the task of having GPT narrate our text adventure games. To get you started, here’s an example that I used:

What to do

Using the OpenAI playground, create 5-8 different system prompts to generate room descriptions. These can be the same rooms from the game you made in Homework 1 or new rooms. We will ask you to upload your system prompts to Blackboard, and to save and upload a link to your playground. For each of your prompts, click the “Save” button on the OpenAI playground, and turn on the toggle button so that “Anyone with the link can view”. You can then get a sharable link using the “Share” button.

Try to create interesting variation in the narration. You can do this by changing the system prompt anyway that you like. You can change the identity that I gave it “You are the narrator for a text adventure game.” or the writing instructions “You create short, evocative descriptions of the scenes in the game.” or the style “Use the style of a fairy tale.” Feel free to vary it however you would like. If you wanted to create a prompt for a different game with a different setting – let’s say sci-fi versus medieval – what would you do?

You should test your prompts on several rooms for a text adventure game. You can use Action Castle for the game, or you can use your own game. Your playground should have a User input (the user’s command like “get pole”), followed by an Assistant turn where you paste in the basic game output for the user turn, and another Assistant turn which you should generate by clicking on the “Submit button”

Here are the first few turns of Action Castle for you to copy and paste into the Playground (feel free to use your own game instead). For the next homework assignment, you’ll use the API, rather than copying and pasting into the playground. Using the OpenAI playground is a good way to do your prompt engineering. Once you find a good system prompt, then you can implement it in code via the API.

Part 2: Analyzing Elaborations

LLMs have the tendency to “hallucinate” meaning that they generate things that aren’t factually accurate. In the case of creative writing and fiction this can be an asset rather a liability.

Pick 5 of your narrator’s outputs for different game locations, and say what things it added that weren’t present in the input.

For example, for the game input:

You are standing in a small cottage.
Out to Garden Path
You see:
 * a fishing pole
 * a poisonous potion

One of my system prompts generated:

You find yourself in a quaint, rustic cottage. The room is filled with the scent of pine and old books. A crackling fire in the stone hearth casts dancing shadows on the wooden walls. A worn, but comfortable-looking armchair sits invitingly near the fire. On a small table next to the chair, there’s a fishing pole. A single window reveals a lush garden path outside. The only exit appears to be a sturdy wooden door leading out to the garden path.

This adds several new elements that were’t in the input:

  • stone hearth with a fire
  • armchair
  • small table
  • also technically, walls, a window, and a door (these are great commonsense things since I said we were ‘inside a cottage’, but they weren’t mentioned in my input).

One problem with these elaborations is that they aren’t currently objects in the game, and we therefore cannot track state properly. E.g. there’s no way of adding them to our inventory.

What to submit

You should upload a few of your best prompts and your worst prompts (according to your own judgement of the output) and their outputs from Part 1 to the Blackboard assignment, plus publicly shared links to your developer playgrounds for each of your prompts that demonstrate its outputs.

Also, you should:

  1. Explain why you like the “best” ones that you picked. Why do you think that prompt did well?
  2. Analyze these outputs using the description for Part 2.

Recommended readings

OpenAI Prompt Examples
Thinking Inside the Box - How To Write Boxed Text for Your Favorite RPG
Let’s Design an Adventure - Boxed Text
Dungeon Mastering 101 - Mastering the Boxed Text
How much description should a dungeon key include?
A Recipe For Arbitrary Text Style Transfer with Large Language Models - Emily Reif, Daphne Ippolito, Ann Yuan, Andy Coenen, Chris Callison-Burch, Jason Wei. ACL 2022. Abstract BibTex
Wordcraft: a Human-AI Collaborative Editor for Story Writing - Andy Coenen, Luke Davis, Daphne Ippolito, Emily Reif, Ann Yuan. IUI 2022.
Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models - Jason Wei, Xuezhi Wang, Dale Schuurmans, Maarten Bosma, Brian Ichter, Fei Xia, Ed H. Chi, Quoc V. Le, Denny Zhou. NeurIPS 2022.