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[Module 0] [Module 1] [Module 2] [Module 3] [Module 4] [Module 5] [Module 6]

Module 0: Introduction to IF and Automated Story Generation

Thursday, August 29, 2024 to Thursday, August 29, 2024

Welcome to the class! In this introductory module, you will become acquainted with interactive fiction (since you’re probably too young to know what it is) and learn about the field of automated story generation (since it’s a small subfield of AI and you probably haven’t heard of it). You’ll even get a chance to make your own mini interactive fiction game the old-school way!


Lesson 1: Intro to the class, Interactive Fiction, and Automated Story Generation [Slides]

Academic Papers:

Supplemental Media:

Module 1: Large Language Models

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 to Thursday, September 19, 2024

With large language models becoming more popular within Natural Language Processing/Generation (NLP/NLG), automated story generation researchers realized how much easier it is to generate text. (And this also helped NLP researchers get interested in story generation!) Here, you’ll learn about neural language models, particularly the transformer, how to work with them, and how they are used to generate stories.


Lesson 1: Neural Language Models + Attention [Slides]

Academic Papers:

Supplemental Media:

Lesson 2: Transformers [Slides]

Academic Papers:

Supplemental Media:

Lesson 3: Output [Slides]

Academic Papers:

Supplemental Media:

Lesson 4: Foundation Models + Word Embeddings [Slides]

Academic Papers:

Lesson 5: Neural Story Generation + Module 1 Paper Presentations [Slides]

Paper Presentations:

Academic Papers:

Supplemental Media:

Module 2: Scripts and Story Structure

Thursday, September 19, 2024 to Thursday, October 3, 2024

Scripts can be considered the backbone of storytelling. They help us fill in the gaps of knowledge that we would otherwise be missing from reading a story, and they help us reason about why events happen and what order they happen in. This Module will teach you about scripts, causal chains, and events. We’ll also look at how people have been using these techniques in the age of the neural network.


Lesson 1: Scripts and Events [Slides]

Academic Papers:

Lesson 2: Understanding Procedures [Slides]

Academic Papers:

Lesson 3: Guided Story Generation [Slides]

Academic Papers:

Lesson 4: Module 2 Paper Presentations

Paper Presentations:

Academic Papers:


Module 3: Search and Planning

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 to Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Lesson 1: Search [Slides]

Academic Papers:


Supplemental Media:

Lesson 2: Classical Planning + Story/Game Planning [Slides]

Academic Papers:

Supplemental Media:

Lesson 3: LLM-based Story Planning [Slides]

Guest Lecturer: Nisha Simon

Academic Papers:

Lesson 4: Façade Playthrough + Module 3 Paper Presentations

Paper Presentations:

Academic Papers:

Supplemental Media:

Module 4: Commonsense Reasoning + Schemas

Thursday, October 17, 2024 to Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Lesson 1: Commonsense Reasoning

Academic Papers:

Supplemental Media:

Lesson 2: Knowledge Representations + Schemata

Academic Papers:

Lesson 3: Storytelling with Ontologies + Recap

Academic Papers:

Lesson 4: Module 4 Paper Presentations

Paper Presentations:

Academic Papers:

Supplemental Media:

Module 5: Dialog + Characters

Thursday, October 31, 2024 to Thursday, November 7, 2024

No homework for this module.

Lesson 1: Intro to Dialogue + Dialogue for Interactive Fiction

Academic Papers:

Lesson 2: Character-Based Generation

Academic Papers:

Lesson 3: Module 5 Paper Presentations

Paper Presentations:

Academic Papers:

Module 6: Bonus Lessons!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 to Tuesday, December 10, 2024

No homework for this module.

Lesson 1: Peiqi “Patrick” Sui

Guest Lecturer: Peiqi “Patrick” Sui

Academic Papers:

Lesson 2: Co-creating Storytelling Machines

Guest Lecturer: Kory Mathewson

Academic Papers:

Lesson 3: Novel Interfaces for Creative Text Generation

Guest Lecturer: Max Kreminiski

Academic Papers:

Lesson 4: Co-Creativity

Guest Lecturer: Zhiyu Lin (林之雨)

Academic Papers:

Lesson 5: Neurosymbolic Story Generation

Academic Papers:

Lesson 6: Visual Storytelling

Academic Papers: