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The lecture schedule will be updated as the term progresses.
Date Lecture Topic Readings for this Lesson Homework Due
What class is this?
What is NLP?
Waitlist Deadline
Examples of NLP Tasks
Waitlists Deactivated
Examples of NLP Tasks
Last Day to Change Schedule
Machine Learning Basics & Evaluation
Machine Learning Basics & Evaluation

Project Milestone 1: Project Proposal
PyTorch & HuggingFace Tutorial

HW1: Being up to the Task
Classification with Logistic Regression
Learning & Using Logistic Regression
Vector Embeddings
Grad Checkpoint 1: Selection
Vector Embeddings
No Class - Project Milestone Due
Project Milestone 2: Literature Review
Spring Break - No Class
Spring Break - No Class
N-Gram Language Models
N-Gram Language Models
Neural Language Models
Recurrent Neural Network LMs
Project Milestone 3: Halfway Checkpoint
Last Day to Withdraw from Individual Classes
Recurrent Neural Network LMs Tutorial
HW 2: Evaluation
Attention & Transformers
Decoding, Sampling, & Transformer Fine-tuning
Types of Foundational Models
Ethics of NLP
Prompt Engineering Tutorial
Grad Checkpoint 2: Draft

Grad Checkpoint 3: Feedback
No Class - Project Milestone Due
Project Milestone 4: Rough Draft
Applications: Machine Translation
HW 3: Prompt Engineering
Applications: Dialog Systems
Applications: Creative Generation
Project Presentations, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Project Milestone 5: Final Submission
Grad Checkpoint 4: Final Submission